Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Some more cats

Streetmog number: 228
Streetmog name:
Actual name: Murphy
Favourite Location: Drive and under bushes
Preferred stroke:
Character: Apprehensive tick
Other: Murphy was a lovely little thing and I met his owner (who happened across this strange postman crouched down trying in vain to get the mog in question to come and say hello). We had a nice chat and I learned that Murphy was named after the wondrous Irish stout, that he was about 15 years old, and that he (nor anyone else) liked the bully white cat that lives close. I'll be on the look out for that one...

Streetmog number: 229
Streetmog name: Marmite
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Path
Preferred stroke:
Character: Tease
Other: Marmite kept approaching me, and with that was luring me into a false hope of feline fussing. However, each time she got close, and I crouched for some aforementioned interaction, she turned paw and wandered away. Cheeky, cheeky tortie!

Streetmog number: 230
Streetmog name: Babar
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Path
Preferred stroke: Chin tickle
Character: Affectionate uber purrer
Other: Babar is not an elephant nor was she grey but quite frankly I am struggling in the name creation creativity department. She was a very sweet kitty though, showing few inhibitions with a smashing display of path rolling and tummy exposing.


  1. We have a lost cat in Morden, don't suppose you cover that far do you? Wondering if anyone's spotted him on their travels :-(

    1. Hi

      Any cat I see will feature here at some point. If you've listed him on your fb page I can look out for him. We work right up to the border with Morden e.g. Windermere Rd so you never know...
