Monday, 12 November 2012

The Thing

I can't get over this one. Words can't do him nor his expressions justice...

Streetmogs name: Lorax
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Hoity
Other: A new route today, and I was expecting an abundance of first time acquaintances. However, there was a veritable dearth of cats - apart from this excellent chap. I don't think I've ever seen a visage of mog quite like this. When I edged up to the window for a closer look, he adopted a look of terror and then proceeded to stick his tongue out at me. Utterly gorgeous and utterly ridiculous. A phenomenal feline, and meeting him made my day.



  1. Amazing! I love this cat :)

  2. An amazing creature, for sure, one of my favourites so far!

  3. What a beauty! I have one of these (a grey one) and their bad-tempered appearance is an illusion, they are total pussycats. They do disdain very well, though :-)

    1. Hi Jill
      You're lucky if you have one of these. What breed are they? I'm sure this one is as soppy as yours, with expressions to match :D

  4. Wow, he looks exactly like my cat Boofy, who died in 2006. I miss him. He's a Persian cat. They have the flat faces, and typically, they have long hair (double coat), although Boofy's biological brother (still with us), is a Persian Exotica, and they have the double coat, but it is short, not long.

    1. Aw, Boofy :/ Thanks for the info! Hope you're enjoying the blog.

  5. Lorax... excellent choice of name! :-)

  6. A gorgeous Persian! :D xx
