Saturday, 8 December 2012

Five alive

Okay, back to business. Five more felines to post from my recent wanderings. Ever since Thursday morning, when the Wimbledon Guardian ran a lovely piece about the blog, quite a few people have been asking about cat genders or commenting on postmen and their propensity to sit in vans and do nothing. Well, I can't proclaim to know a cat's gender without close inspection (which ain't going to happen) and as for us posties, well, the majority of us work very hard for 8-10 hours a day, often longer, in all weathers. I tend to be out walking with over 100kg of mail, covering from two to five miles a day on foot. I don't take breaks, I don't eat lunch. The photo snapping takes me from between 10 secs to 1 minute, depending on how much fussing is going on. So no, I'm not dawdling nor wasting time looking for cats. When they appear, I try to meet, greet, capture and move on. And finally, there are NO repeats; I cross check every mog when I get back to the ranch!

Streetmogs name: Cadbury
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Postman's lap
Preferred stroke: Anything she could get
Character: Soppy mushball
Other: Cadbury was as sweet as her name suggests. In fact, she was the most affectionate mog I've met so far. She trotted up to me and, as I crouched down to say hello, jumped onto my lap and began to pummel and do all those affectionate head-butting things that mogs love to do. Sweetness.

Streetmogs name: Midnight (named by by son, Cameron)
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Inside, judging by her insistence to go in
Preferred stroke: Chin tickle
Character: Persuasive female
Other: Ok, Midnight might be a male. But she or he knew what he or she wanted - to be let inside. She was slightly stand-offish at first, almost aloof, but was quite happy to receive some fussing. I had a packet for her owner so she got her wish and was let in.


Streetmogs name: Batmog
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window ledge
Preferred stroke:
Character: Puzzled
Other: Batmog was such a handsome kit, with a great face and such smashing markings. I should have come up with a better name. He wasn't sure what to make of me as I struggled with my over-loaded bag to get my camera out. I was tired and in a rush to complete before the light went and temperature dropped even further, after what had been a long day, so I didn't stop for petting.

Streetmogs name: Smokey
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Fence
Preferred stroke:
Character: Thrill seeker
Other: Smokey (thanks to my other son Ben for naming this one!) appeared fleetingly at the back of number 15 so I was lucky to grab these two shots. He looked at me with some disdain and certainly wasn't going to come and say hello but hey, that's any cat's prerogative.
Streetmogs name: Curiosity
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Front garden wall
Preferred stroke: Head rub
Character: Affectionado
Other: Curiosity was one of those mogs-in-pursuit of happiness. In this case, he wouldn't let me distance myself to get a photo, pacing up and down the wall after me in search of cuddles. He even rubbed his chin up against my bundle of letters.


  1. Love it! Keep up the good work!

  2. Kudos to your cat-aloging exploits and your recent mentions in the media. Keep up the good work.

    I have a blog too, as a cat lover I occasionally blog about the exploits of my cats.

    Feel free to check it out...

    1. Thanks for your kind words. I'll definitely check out your blog!

  3. Hi there, I found your website through the Metro article and I just wanted to say I think it's a great idea for a blog! For me, a walk through town is not complete unless I've found and made friends with at least one neighbourhood moggy! Keep up the good work! -x-

    1. Thanks and I agree about meeting the neighbourhood moggies (of course!). I'll check out your blog too... :)

  4. Great blog Gareth, do you own a cat yourself?

    1. Of course! Two adorable ginger & white cuddle bags of gorgeous, from kittens, Butternut and Thunder :)

    2. Aw will you post a pic sometime? Keep up the good work :-)

  5. ooh this is so weird, i used to live in wimbledon (well, colliers wood technically) and have just moved to chicago, taking my two cats with me. those two cats in the first pics of this post look soooo much like one of my cats it's uncanny...

    1. Well I sometimes end up in Colliers Wood (when they give me a little red van)...but it looks like I've missed your two, shame. But so many look alike, as I'm realising; I'm having to double check every mog capture to avoid repeats :D

  6. I know of Batmog - lives around the corner from me.

  7. Hello!

    I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the great info you have here on this post. I will be coming back to your blog for more soon.

    Man and Van Woking
