Friday, 9 November 2012

Pussy Politics

They all appeared at once today, these four streetmogs. Three were spotted together (one hasn't made the blog, but his time will come) in a delightful part of south Wimbledon. The houses were located just off the road, in a lovely mews (pun surely intended) that could be described as a haven for mogs...or even cat heaven. The problem with having superfluous cats in one small area is that they don't always get on; I stumbled across some serious cat politics - territory claiming, neighbourly stalking and scary stand-offs. Great stuff.

Streetmogs name: Beauty
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Doorstep - would have liked to have been inside.
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Nervy
Other: Beauty was indeed that. Sleek, shiny and svelte, she was wary of this flourescently-dressed postie, despite my softly-softly approach and gentle cat-cooing. We nearly got some mog-fussing in, but she got spooked by a passing car and bolted for the bushes. All she wanted was to be let indoors. Beauty was not part of the cat politics, as she lived just around the corner from the mews.


Streetmogs name: Stealth
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Gravel drive/under cars/in bushes (stalking other mogs)
Preferred stroke: Forehead tickle
Character: Distracted
Other: Stealth was a funny old mog; he moved very slowly and although initially approachable, he kept distancing himself. Soon I realised why, as he was preoccupied with a feline neighbour Vader(see mog below). There was a pretty long stand off which I enjoyed watching but a man has to work so I moved on. I'm not sure if they made friends or made war. Crap photo, camera wasn't behaving...

Streetmogs name: Vader
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Under car, away from Stealth
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Yellow tail
Other: Vader just wanted peace, to sit off and relax, but was tormented by Stealth. He was not a happy kitty; in fact, he seemed genuinely pissed off, as can be seen by his wonderful expression.

Streetmogs name: Werthers
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke:
Character: Smug
Other: Werthers made me grin. He seemed so smug, sat on his warm window sill, away from the nearby cat politics. I enjoy seeing the mogs when they're inside; the way they stare out, unsure who you are, yet happy in the knowledge that they aren't going to be bothered. It feels a bit cheeky sneaking a photo through someone's window, a tad intrusive and stalkeresque. I do speak to the people though, if they spot me, and explain my ways...


  1. I love your blog!!!

  2. What a great blog, both my wife and I love it. I have taken a few pictures of the mogs where I live but you are in a different league from me. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying it, keep following...
