Friday, 30 November 2012

Plethora of pussies

No apologies for the title - there was simply an abundance of cats around today, with five more to add to the blog. It's been a surprisingly productive week for streetmog collecting and the glorious sunny weather is to thank for that. Today was one of those perfect English winter days - bright, crisp, and golden. That sounds like an ad for Walker's. Anyway, back to the kits...

Streetmogs name: Pedro
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Suntrap
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Wise old owl, even though he's a cat
Other: Pedro (don't ask why...I am running out of made-up cat names) was the epitomy of cat contentment, lapping up the morning sunshine. When I approached, he seemed agitated so I decided to leave the old fellow alone to sit in peace.

Streetmogs name: Tortoise
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Wall
Preferred stroke: Chin tickle
Character: Exhibitionist
Other: This is a Streetmogs landmark as Tortoise is the first 'repeat'. I've decided to include him as he was a total loony and very affectionate to boot. His previous appearance can be seen here when he was spotted further down the road. In the photo sequence, Tortoise displays his self-chin-rub-atop-wall technique. Btw, his second entry won't count towards the cat counter total, as that would be very wrong.

Streetmogs name: Coppertone
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Garden path
Preferred stroke: Head rub
Character: Inquisitive
Other: Coppertone actually ran down the garden path to greet me, bless his ginger socks. He loved to be fussed over and if I hadn't had so much work to do, I could have stayed for a long while...

Streetmogs name: Necktie
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Path (in sunshine)
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Timid tom
Other: Necktie was also enjoying the sunshine, seemingly without a care in the world. I managed to get pretty close but he was not having it and retreated to the doorway. Rather than push for some fussing, I decided to leave him be as I'd already been mog-spoiled rotten.

Streetmogs name: Bertie
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Front garden
Preferred stroke: Anything he can get
Character: Tactile snugglepuss
Other: Bertie was a beauty, a soft lump of mog who was persistent as well as insistent when it came to demanding attention. His purr was as loud as his face was fat; the photos show the typical feline head run against human (in this instance, my knee) and his brilliant V.I.P. (should that not be V.I.C.?) collar.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Time for some more paws

A surprising and pleasing surfeit of mogs over the last couple of days. It never ceases to amaze me how many cats there are living in any one street; I am sure that I'll continue to meet new felines even if I plod the same steps. Anyway, it appears that the temporary hiatus from the recent wet weather has tempted our affable moglings to venture out for some winter paw-licking and breeze-shooting.

Streetmogs name: Cowardly lion
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Uncomfortable fence perch and/or under trees and bushes
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Detached
Other: Only just the other day (this post), I mentioned that Gobelina was stalking a beauty of a cat nearby. Well, as hoped for, he turned up again - one street down. Cowardly lion was a lively yet shy little fellow and wouldn't let me get very close. As I edged nearer, he turned fluffy tail and dropped behind into the back garden, where I have to assume he lives. A simply devine mog.

Streetmogs name: Jersey
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Between vehicles
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character:  Occupied
Other: Jersey flew past my legs when his owner opened the door to collect a package. I was in a rush and so only managed to sneak this pathetic shot. Not much to write then, other than stating the obvious. (He'd just eaten). (I was hungry). (But this didn't make me any hungrier).

Streetmogs name: n/a
Actual name: Freddy
Favourite Location: Path & porch
Preferred stroke: Chin rub
Character:  Loveable rogue
Other: Freddy (his real name) was a friendly sort and was happy to sidle up to me and enjoy some fussing. He then led me to the porch and introduced me to his pal. Freddy's owner was doing some winter gardening and told me his cats' stories: they found them both as kittens but could not locate the owner, and so adopted them as their own.


Streetmogs name: Freesia
Actual name: n/a
Favourite Location: Kitchen (cat eating area)
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character:  Shy petal
Other: Fresia (I didn't catch her name, but with Freddy as a brother I really hope they called her that) was extremely timid and fled from the driveway when I turned up. With encouragement from her owner and Freddy, however, I tracked her down...

Monday, 26 November 2012

Feline elusive

It's been a damp and grotty day but there were plentiful mogs out and about in Wombleton, seizing the opportunity to enjoy some fresh air before the predicted arctic freeze arrives. More than one eluded the camera and so didn't make the blog, but their day will come.

Streetmogs name: Bovril
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Car bonnet
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Detached
Other: Bovril was hapilly sat upon his owner's shiny car bonnet and initially seemed up for a bit of morning fussing, but as I got close he moved off and under said car. It was nice to finally 'capture' a mog from Edge Hill, as they're often lurking around but have been managing to elude the lens.

Streetmog name: Gobelina
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Various garden paths
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Adventurer
Other: Gobelina was an elegant, sleek mog. She wouldn't let me get close though, partly because she was interested in another neighbouring cat; both of them were indulging in some serious cat politics/stalking. As for the other one, I shall be looking out for him when I'm next up this way - he was a real beauty.

Friday, 23 November 2012

50 not out

A mog milestone was reached today - a half-century of cats are now catalogued for pussy posterity. It had been quiet on the feline scene of late, due in no small part to the foul weather; after a barren few days, I was beginning to fear that winter had driven them all inside and that this blog would stagnate. However, today was a glorious sun-strewn affair and three smashing kits showed themselves, to the delight of this tired old postie, during what's been a long and tough week.

Streetmogs name: Fig roll
Actual name: Poppy
Favourite Location: Lawn
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Tease
Other: Fig roll surprised me with his appearance, at a house a mere stone's throw from base, providing a filip to kick-off the day. He was a funny old bean; he trotted around, showing off his oddly shaped (fat) body, and seemed to want a stroke or two, but everytime I approached he sauntered off somewhere else.
Footnote: It's since been established that Fig Roll is a girl called Poppy. She likes her head patted and also responds to "Fatty". Bless! 

Streetmog name: Ocelot
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Porch step
Preferred stroke:  Back rub
Character: Tender
Other: Ocelot was a precious thing. She seemed to have an issue with her left leg and couldn't seem to put it down, which made her even more adorable. She looked almost wild, but her character was far from it; cute, inquisitive and most friendly, she was.

Streetmogs name: 50 Cent
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Various garden paths
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Independent
Other: Our 50th streetmog, and a worthy specimin he was, although he could have stopped to say hello. This chap had other thoughts on his mind, however, and was not in the mood for any fussing. As soon as he crossed my path, he continued his garden navigation in pursuit of something far more interesting than a postman with a camera.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Tres gatitos más

Despite the glorious, uplifting and unseasonably warm (when the sun's out) weather, the streetmogs have been scarce this week. Three more for the collection, though:

Streetmogs name: Custard cream
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Under bush
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Mortified moggy
Other: Custard cream was a skittish little ginger charmer of a mog. At one point, he was considering coming closer for some fussing, but thought better of it and fled to cower beneath a bush. Bless.

Streetmogs name: Dark Knight
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Wall
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Chillaxed
Other: This black beauty was a lovely find. He was basking in the late November sunshine (no joke, London's been simply lovely recently, once the fog lifts), high atop a wall, safe in the knowledge that nothing could bother him. He seemed slightly put-out that I was disturbing him with my camera and daft cooing, but he soon drifted back to the land of cat-nod.
Streetmogs name: Pepper
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Shed roof
Preferred stroke: Chin tickle
Character: Fickle
Other: Pepper was a delightful puss, so calm and gentle, and very pretty. She wandered over for some petting and leg weaving, and then removed herself to settle on the shed roof and watch the leaves and bugs.

Monday, 12 November 2012

The Thing

I can't get over this one. Words can't do him nor his expressions justice...

Streetmogs name: Lorax
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Hoity
Other: A new route today, and I was expecting an abundance of first time acquaintances. However, there was a veritable dearth of cats - apart from this excellent chap. I don't think I've ever seen a visage of mog quite like this. When I edged up to the window for a closer look, he adopted a look of terror and then proceeded to stick his tongue out at me. Utterly gorgeous and utterly ridiculous. A phenomenal feline, and meeting him made my day.


Friday, 9 November 2012

Pussy Politics

They all appeared at once today, these four streetmogs. Three were spotted together (one hasn't made the blog, but his time will come) in a delightful part of south Wimbledon. The houses were located just off the road, in a lovely mews (pun surely intended) that could be described as a haven for mogs...or even cat heaven. The problem with having superfluous cats in one small area is that they don't always get on; I stumbled across some serious cat politics - territory claiming, neighbourly stalking and scary stand-offs. Great stuff.

Streetmogs name: Beauty
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Doorstep - would have liked to have been inside.
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Nervy
Other: Beauty was indeed that. Sleek, shiny and svelte, she was wary of this flourescently-dressed postie, despite my softly-softly approach and gentle cat-cooing. We nearly got some mog-fussing in, but she got spooked by a passing car and bolted for the bushes. All she wanted was to be let indoors. Beauty was not part of the cat politics, as she lived just around the corner from the mews.


Streetmogs name: Stealth
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Gravel drive/under cars/in bushes (stalking other mogs)
Preferred stroke: Forehead tickle
Character: Distracted
Other: Stealth was a funny old mog; he moved very slowly and although initially approachable, he kept distancing himself. Soon I realised why, as he was preoccupied with a feline neighbour Vader(see mog below). There was a pretty long stand off which I enjoyed watching but a man has to work so I moved on. I'm not sure if they made friends or made war. Crap photo, camera wasn't behaving...

Streetmogs name: Vader
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Under car, away from Stealth
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Yellow tail
Other: Vader just wanted peace, to sit off and relax, but was tormented by Stealth. He was not a happy kitty; in fact, he seemed genuinely pissed off, as can be seen by his wonderful expression.

Streetmogs name: Werthers
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke:
Character: Smug
Other: Werthers made me grin. He seemed so smug, sat on his warm window sill, away from the nearby cat politics. I enjoy seeing the mogs when they're inside; the way they stare out, unsure who you are, yet happy in the knowledge that they aren't going to be bothered. It feels a bit cheeky sneaking a photo through someone's window, a tad intrusive and stalkeresque. I do speak to the people though, if they spot me, and explain my ways...

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Let me IN

Many of the mogs I encounter appear fed-up and desirous of being the other side of the door; despite the gorgeous sunshine, it was a frigid day and most cats were surely curled up underneath or atop a nice, warm radiator. These three poppets were stuck outside:

Streetmogs name: Goliath
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Inside, it seems.
Preferred stroke: Chin rub
Character: Non-plussed
Other: Goliath was a huge bag of cat, with the most beautiful eyes. He was delighted to see me, but confused when I didn't open the door and let him in. I'm sorry, old chap.
Streetmogs name: Firework
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Inside, also.
Preferred stroke:  Spine rub
Character: Effervescent
Other: Firework was all over the place. She was hopping from plant pot to door step, weaving around my legs, but only because she wanted in. Her owner obliged, and she shot in without so much as a thank you purr.

Streetmogs name: Fratton
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Out of dog's harm
Preferred stroke:  n/a
Character: On-edge
Other: Fratton is one of a large pet family. Also residing here is a very big and loud dog. In this photo, he was directly below our nervy kit, who was not going to move in a million years. The next door neighbours told me that there were another three cats living here; I do recall seeing them recently, taking refuge under their owner's car. I will be be back, I will find them...

Monday, 5 November 2012

Four play

Four more felines to fuss over today. At least three other mogs were spotted but they were elusive kits, and sometimes it's just not practical to stop everything and chase up a cat lead...

Streetmogs name: Polka
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Under van, on fence...
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Tease
Other: Polka was first spotted from afar, walking down the street, and was later found sat underneath the Royal Mail van. A perfect portrait opportunity, I thought, until he moved away just as the shutter was depressed. He commanded attention but wouldn't entertain any contact, the cheeky skittish chappy.

Streetmogs name: Precious
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Anywhere distant from human
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Complete scaredy-cat
Other: Precious was a pathetic little thing, and she made my heart break. She could possibly be the first actual street mog, i.e. street cat sans home, as she looked wirey, dishevelled and as weary as she was wary. I tried to get close to show her some affection, but she was having none of it and backed off into the corner, ready to flee up the tree or attack to defend...


Streetmogs name: Demerera
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Bushes, lawn and, eventually, path
Preferred stroke: Tummy rub
Character: Friend-maker
Other: This gorgeous chap was shy at first, preferring to hide in the bushes until some vocal enticement drew him out to make friends. After a few exhibitionist stretches and miaows, he duly dropped to the concrete, performed a number of cute rolls and beckoned the tummy rub. He got one, of course.

Streetmogs name: General Sagpuss
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Garden path
Preferred stroke: Chin tickle
Character: Proud
Other: Oh my. What a treat, and what a pick-me-up at the end of a long day. This mog was an absolute wonder, a beautiful soft saggy pile of ginger whose face made me grin like a Cheshire. He approached slowly but surely, gave his claws a good sharpen on the plants, and then demanded some attention which he duly received. One of my absolute favourite streetmogs so far. Bless him.