Thursday, 31 October 2013

One Hallowed Puss

Not much to report from the streetmogs front line other than one solitary critter. As far as this blog goes, posts might not be as prolific as they once were, but rest assured there are no plans to pack it in just yet.

Streetmog number: 266
Streetmog name: Louis Black
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Retirement home
Preferred stroke:
Character: Suspicious
Other: Louis Black had been spotted before but he'd always been too elusive. He appears to live in an old person's retirement home and spends his days wandering the hallways and communal gardens, although I saw him roaming the local streets a few moments after this. He was a vocal sort and seemed to want some attention, but whenever I got close he scuttled off.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Two cats, uninspired when it comes to naming posts

The mog total continues to creep up with the addition of two new faces. I'm still confident we'll get to three hundred by Christmas...

Streetmog number: 264
Streetmog name: Lucozade
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Under car
Preferred stroke: Back stroke
Character: Hyper
Other: Lucozade was such a bubbly chap; he would not stay still for the camera and as a result I didn't manage to get a good photo of his face, which is a shame as he had a gorgeous nose splodge. He was sheltering under the car when I spotted him but was quite happy to come out and say hi.

Streetmog number: 265
Streetmog name: Kuban Krasnodar
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Garden path
Preferred stroke: Brief chin tickle
Character: Friendly
Other: This beautiful tabby-tortie appeared from nowhere and put on a wondrous display of miaowing, leg-weaving and general pestering. She was a sociable and affectionate thing and it was a shame that I couldn't stay a bit longer, but the bags and the van were heavily laden and so I had to move on.

I also spotted a recent acquaintance, the fabulous Dizzee Rascal who this time was asleep on top of a window garden (or at least it used to be, before he flattened it). I felt bad for waking him up, but he enjoyed the attention. Bless him.

And finally, another missing mog from SW19. I'm happy to do my bit when there's a lost cat out there, either by posting here or tweeting, checking my records or simply keeping an eye out when I'm on the plod. I've not seen this one, but she was lost in the Wimbledon Park area.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Un gatito dorito

Just the one mog for now. I've seen a few new faces around but it's not always easy to stop and get the camera (phone) out. I still think we'll get to three hundred cats by Christmas, so watch this space...

Streetmog number: 263
Streetmog name: Dorito
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Pavement
Preferred stroke:
Character: Street savvy
Other: This fluffy ginger was a really cool cat, strutting his stuff along the pavement without a care in the world. I was happy to catch his wonderful lamp post stretch 'n' scratch on camera.

As is becoming more common, now that I've been plodding these same streets for a while, I ran into a couple of old acquaintances, Goatie and Peppermint. The last time I saw them back in the spring they were happily playing outside and I didn't realise that they lived together, but today it was clear that they do...

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Two for the weekend

Streetmog number: 261
Streetmog name: Lady Toffington
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Path & pavement
Preferred stroke: Behind ear scrunch
Character: Adventurous
Other: I met Lady Toffington's owner and discovered that she had once been a farm cat and was often running away but had now finally settled into her home. She has a handsome ginger son who was also around but he was too quick for the camera.

Streetmog number: 262
Streetmog name: Wandle
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Bush
Preferred stroke:
Character: Inquisitive
Other: Wandle (so named due to the close proximity of said river) was a coy little thing who was interested in my presence but reluctant to get any closer. He was on the other side of some railings so I couldn't have got to him anyway, which was as shame as he was totally gorgeous.

And finally, I met a couple of old friends hiding in the grass under the autumnal sun and as the photo of Top Cat was clearer than the original one, it was worth posting:

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Cinco de Moggo

The prolonged warm and sunny climes here in the south of England are encouraging the cats to stay out and about on the local streets, and I am delighted to present five more of them for your pussy perusing pleasure.

Streetmog number: 256
Streetmog name: Millie
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Doorstep
Preferred stroke: Chin tickle
Character: Amiable tortie
Other: As with most torties, Millie was a sweet thing. She was overtly friendly as she was keen to be let in to her beautiful house in this very affluent area of Merton Park. We enjoyed some fussing although she never stayed still for long.

Streetmog number: 257
Streetmog name: Requiem
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Pavement & middle of street
Preferred stroke:
Character: Independent
Other: Requiem made several appearances up and down his street but he never let me get close enough to say a proper hello. This was as shame as this chap was pure gorgeous, but it was fun to see him appearing again and again at different points on paths and pavements.

Streetmog number: 258
Streetmog name: Presley
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Away from postman
Preferred stroke:
Character: Uppity
Other: Presley (upturned lip) played a grand game of cat 'n' postie. I did my best to win him over but this cheeky chappy was just not having it and soon scarpered off down the street to find something more interesting to do.

Streetmog number: 259
Streetmog name: Rupert
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Garden foliage
Preferred stroke:
Character: Confused
Other: Cute little Rupert did not quite know how to deal with this friendly postman. I am sure that he would have loved some cuddles but unfortunately he was just not brave enough to hold his ground when I rounded the bush to greet him.

Streetmog number: 260
Streetmog name: Tango
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Fold up chair
Preferred stroke: Head rub
Character: Chillaxed
Other: Oh my, what a gorgeous chunk of soppy ginger hunk. Tango was delighting in the warm weather and was a picture of cat contentment as he sat on his camping chair. He looked ready to be fussed over but jumped off when I approached and waddled away. Oh Tango, don't go!

You get any closer, I'm outta here
I note again that most mogs denied me the pleasure of some fussing - I hope I'm not losing my cat whispering touch!

And finally...

Another old friend, Stealth, crossed my path and this time I managed to get a better photo of him:

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Lincoln back, streetmogs abound

Following the previous post, the heart is lighter and happiness abounds (Lincoln returned home two nights ago, as most of you will know from all the tweeting). So, no more personal mog stories; normal service has resumed and it's all about those cheeky cats from SW19.

Streetmog number: 251
Streetmog name: Biggles
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Garden bench
Preferred stroke: Head scrunch
Character: Vociferous
Other: Biggles is the noisiest mog I've met since Streetmogs began. His incessant miaow, if you could call it that, was hilarious and most endearing. It was low, rumbling and continuous, reminding me of a fog horn and that is precisely what I was going to call him - but I decided that would be silly. He was a gorgeous bean, of looks and character, and we enjoyed some good old fashioned fussing.

Streetmog number: 252
Streetmog name: Yeti
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Verdant clumps
Preferred stroke:
Character: Scaredy
Other: Yeti was in the very same spot where I have spotted two entirely different mogs; it must hold some special allure to these kitties. She was as timid as the others, and would let me get no closer, which was a shame as I would dearly loved to have got cuddly with this furry, blue eyed wonder.

Streetmog number: 253
Streetmog name: Five spice
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Drive
Preferred stroke:
Character: Timid tortie
Other: Try as I did to win this lovely tortie over with some classic cat cooing, she wasn't having it. This was a shame, as she looked ripe for a cuddle. As I was preparing to drive off, she nonchalantly wandered across in front of my little red van to seek out other pussy pastures (i.e. go under a parked car).

Streetmog number: 254
Streetmog name: Cupcake
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Under car
Preferred stroke:
Character: Nervy
Other: Cupcake was small and sweet, as her name suggests. I spotted her whilst out delivering Amazon things in my favourite Wombleton road but, like Five Spice, she wouldn't allow me to get close, let alone entertain the idea of some petting. This was a shame, as it would have been nice. I would also liked to have eaten a cupcake at this point. I get hungry doing this job, you know.

Streetmog number: 255
Streetmog name: Ariel
Actual name:
Favourite Location: At the gate
Preferred stroke:
Character: Stand-offish
Other: I have just realised that four out of these five mogs were timid paws, which is unusual as I have great faith in my cat whispering abilities. Ariel was initially showing signs of being sociable but soon fled through her lovely green gate when I approached. Her loss, and mine.


I also met a couple of old cat chums, Bolt and Snuffaluffagus who did not disappoint with their affectionate play and all round loveliness.

Please play some more, postie
I am more beautiful than you, and we both know it.