Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Monday Monday (so good to mogs)

Although today is Tuesday, yesterday was Monday, and here are some cats:

Streetmog number: 167
Streetmog name: Colobus Colliers
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Side alley & back alley
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Major skit
Other: Colobus Colliers reminded me of the monkey of the genus of the same name, hence the name, obviously. Unfortunately I never got close enough to take a decent pic but this mog's face was adorable and his pitiful miaow tugged at the strings of my kitty-soft heart. He jumped up and over the fence as I approached and wouldn't come back to say hello, despite my very best attempts.

Streetmog number: 168
Streetmog name: Porsche
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Car park, under cars
Preferred stroke: Head tickle
Character: Wary but friendly
Other: Porsche was a sleek black cat who wasn't initially sure if she wanted to befriend me. In fact, I nearly scared her off when my mailbag fell off my shoulder but she gathered herself and headed on over for some petting.

Streetmog number: 169
Streetmog name: Spectre
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Garages
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Scaredy cat
Other: Spectre appeared and then vanished within seconds. He was never going to let me get any closer which was a shame as I liked his pure black tail on mostly white body. I'm sure he's a lovely mog but he's certainly not one for befriending strangers - and that's his cat right.

Streetmog number: 170
Streetmog name: Primrose
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Back alley
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Timid toes
Other: Aw, Primrose, you cute little spring flower. This adorable kitty could well have been a stray as she seemed very thin and appeared to have an issue with one of her eyes. I was very soft in my approach and very nearly got to give her a hello-stroke but she bolted for the undergrowth as I reached out to her. Poor little mite.

Streetmog number: 171
Streetmog name: Plato
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Front path
Preferred stroke: Chin tickle
Character: Confident muse
Other: Plato was a cracking cat with which to end our collection for the day. He barely twitched a whisker as I approached nor when I leaned over the fence to take my photographs. He just sat and stared at me. I think he was day dreaming or feline philosophising in the spring sunshine, as one does. Anyway, he was not afraid of the silly postman and was receptive to some excellent fussing.

And finally...

...I see quite a few cat related posters and this one just had to be shared. I don't think I've met this roaming mucky mog yet!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Four phenomenal felines

Phew, what a scorcher, as they say. Well, 22.C is hardly tropical but after the winter we've had it certainly felt hot. Shorts and short sleeves, water bottles, sun spray and, of course, streetmogs; mogs enjoying the sun, mogs enjoying the shade, mogs ready to please. They all appeared within an hour of each other, and yet again one particular Wimbledon street has proved itself to be a haven for kitties. I shall have to rename it Chemin de Chat, or something. Right, onwards with some mog musings, and I'm pleased to say that I feel enthused this evening. It might down to today's original selection of cats, or it might have something to do with the feelgood factor of enjoying a creme egg with a glass of Syrah. Ah, life's simple pleasures...

Streetmog number: 163
Streetmog name: Francis Bengali
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Steps/bushes/inside away from postie
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Defensive
Other: Francis was a truly beautiful cat. Handsome and svelte, he commanded attention from the top of his steps. He wasn't going to entertain the idea of some fussing, however. Try as I did to approach calmly and with enticing noises, he wasn't having it and bolted for the bushes. I didn't mind - he was so lovely and I was glad to have met him. As a Pompey fan, I'm aware that Bengali played for Southampton but I don't hold grudges.

Streetmog number: 164
Streetmog name: Chewbacca
Actual name:
Favourite Location:
Preferred stroke: Porch/gravel garden
Character: Antsy
Other: Oh man, these gorgeous kittehs just keep on popping up. I remarked to my colleague that perhaps one in three households has a pet cat. I wonder what the ownership stats are. In any case, I am enthused and optimistic that, even on well-plodded streets, I will continue to meet new felines. Now then, this stunning chap made me second guess that he was Centurion, our 100th streetmog, but now I've had time to check my pics and location details I can write with confidence that this is a different cat. He wasn't that keen on me getting too close, despite my trying, so I had to be content with a vocal hello and a couple of average photos.

Streetmog number: 165
Streetmog name:
Actual name: Jezza
Favourite Location: In the garden with mum (gardening)
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Friendly but wary
Other: Jezza is a cat I'd met briefly before. In fact, Jezza is the beautiful brother of the equally gorgeous Saki who I was featured holding in Your Cat magazine's April edition. I love it how things come around, how I run into owners and their cats, learn names and make connections etc. I initially spotted Jezza outside his front door, but he ran under the car when I tried to get closer. Once mum had come out to do some gardening, Jezza wandered over and loyally sat by her side as she got down to work. It was a lovely moment. 

Streetmog number: 166
Streetmog name: Star Anise
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Garden path
Preferred stroke: Back of head tickle
Character: Exhibitionist
Other: I was delighted to finally meet Star Anise, sister to grey cat Saffron. Due to an earlier conversation with their owners, I was aware of brown cat's existence and today she made an appearance on the sun-drenched garden path. As I've grown accustomed with Siamese, she would not keep still for long but her sun-seeking exploits gave me ample opportunity to get in there for some lovely fussing, while Saffron looked on.

And finally...

...Saffron can't stop drawing attention to herself and she deserved just one more Streetmog appearance:

It's because I'm worth it.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Streetmog number: 162
Streetmog name: Prius-Prim
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Porch step (wanting in)
Preferred stroke: Chin ticke
Character: Attention seeking affectuosa
Other: Prius-Prim was the only mog of the day and it's befitting that this beauty gets a whole blog post to herself. She first appeared ahead of me on the pavement but as I approached she made a feline beeline for the front door of her house and awaited my arrival. I'm not your owner, kitty, and I can't let you in! I always feel a bit guilty when this happens but she did receive some quality fussing and seemed glad to have some company, even it was momentary.

Prius-Prim earned herself some pussy post-processing

Monday, 22 April 2013

Six pack of pussies

I took on two whole rounds today, trudging the streets for over five and a half hours in various locations around South Wimbledon and Colliers Wood. It was knackering. I am knackered. One plus to this ridiculous and excessive amount of work was the increased chance of more streetmog sightings, and they didn't disappoint. In fact, I have worked out that I saw eleven cats today, six of which are new and featured below, two of which I'd seen before and mention again (also below), two of which I'd seen before but won't be commenting on, and one elusive long haired stunner who I'll have to look out for another time. The warmer weather is definitely bringing the felines out in force and I'm sure that the first summer since Streetmogs began will produce a plethora of pussies.

Streetmog number: 156
Streetmog name: Rolo
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Warm shed roof
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Indifferent
Other: Rolo was the first mog of the day, found sunning his brown sugar soft self on top of a garden shed. He was actually beyond a fence so I couldn't get any closer but with the huge work load on my plate (shoulder) I couldn't really be stopping for long so these rubbish pics did the job. He seemed a nice cat, not bothered by me, not bothered by much.

Streetmog number: 157
Streetmog name: Willow
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Garden wall
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Nervy
Other: Willow (a recently suggested name and also the street where she happened to be) walked across in front of me as I sat in the van having a drink. I was about to drive off to another area so just grabbed this photo through the window. I have a feeling she wouldn't have let me get close anyway as she seemed a nervy tabby soul. I love tabby cats and they'll always remind me of my first cat Ricky.

Streetmog number: 158
Streetmog name: Hudson
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Car park
Preferred stroke: Back rub
Character: Playful affectionado
Other: Hudson shot out from under a parked van and was very keen to interact. He had lots to say (his miaowing and purring were joyous) and he was up for some serious fussing in the sun. It was a great moment of mog meeting & greeting.

Streetmog number: 159
Streetmog name: Bashri
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Under cars
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Bashful
Other: Bashri led me a merry dance, the cheeky kitteh. As I worked my way up the road, I tried to get closer to her quite a few times as she kept reappearing but she always kept her distance and didn't seem interested in befriending the postie. I think she might actually have been stalking me.

Streetmog number: 160
Streetmog name: Rocky
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Pots 'n' paving
Preferred stroke: Head tickle
Character: Effervescent
Other: This cute little tortoiseshell never kept still for one moment and as a result it was hard to get some decent petting in nor get a decent photo. She was lovely, though. Full of beans, she never seemed to know quite what she wanted.

Streetmog number: 161
Streetmog name:
Actual name: Molly
Favourite Location:
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Nervy
Other: Molly's tag gave her name away and I think it suits her. She's a mog doll, so beautiful with her original markings and gorgeous fluff. She was happy to say hello but was very nervy, despite my best attempts at pro cat whispering. I did manage one little stroke before she went to sit under a bush.

And finally...

...We meet again two lovely mogs from previous posts. First, let me reintroduce Patches who continues to be an exceedingly sociable and friendly little thing. As soon as she saw me and heard my 'cat attracting noises', she confidently strolled down the street towards me:

Paintball (last seen in this wintry post,) was more or less sat in exactly the same place as before. She seemed less nervous this time, and let me get a bit closer, but when I went in for the pet pet she was off again.