Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Quatre black chats

It was one of those days when I wasn't really expecting to see any streetmogs and then, like buses (but certainly not trains) they all came at once. All four felines were spotted during a purple patch of about 15 minutes. The fact that the three black ones looked so alike was a tad disconcerting but they were spotted in different places and so were most definitely different mogs.

Streetmog number: 138
Streetmog name: Phantom
Actual name:
Favourite Location: car park
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Flighty
Other: Phantom was the first of three remarkably similar black mogs and I admit that it's getting hard to name them. This chap appeared while I was sat in the little red van just after a parcel drop and he stared at me for a moment before heading away. There was no way he was going to hang around and wait for me to get out for a closer look so I grabbed my chance, and photo, from the warm interior of said van.

Streetmog number: 139
Streetmog name: Boss
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Winsome
Other: Boss appeared a little boss-eyed which made him all the more endearing. Usually, when approaching an indoors cat, I am met with surprise, stillness and indifference. This handsome fellow was happy to move sills to get closer and say hello, however, and his loud miaow was audible through the window. I think he was hoping that I was owner-arrived-home and that feeding time was upon him. Sorry Boss, you'll have to wait for your munchies.

Streetmog number: 140
Streetmog name: Elvira
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Crazy paving
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Explorer
Other: Elvira was a beautiful, shaggy and rotund puss. She was blissfully unaware of my presence as she sniffed around the front garden. I did try and beckon her over but she was having none of it. Not really a day for sociable mogs. I think they've been house-ridden due to the foul weather and as such have far more important things to do than interact with a daft postman.

Streetmog number: 141
Streetmog name: Velvetine
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Indoors, if possible
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Impatient
Other: Velvetine was extremely affectionate and persistent with her leg weaving and head butts, but I accept that this was only because she was keen to get inside. After a quick but of fussing, Mrs Owner answered the door to get her parcel, the mog shot in, and that was that. I didn't strike up a conversation, ask her real name, nor even admit to having taken some photos, as Mrs Owner was on the phone at the time.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Stuff your burrito

I can honestly say that today (Saturday) was the coldest, windiest, wettest, ugliest and least enjoyable (read miserable) day out on the round I've ever experienced. Horizontal, wet snow together with an ill-timed, burdensome and annoying mail-shot for EVERY door for a free bloody burrito, made for a tough outing. Curse you, Chipotle restaurant! Think of the poor posties who have to deliver your unwanted junk. Anyway, here's to an end to this stubborn winter - I for one am in dire need of warmer temperatures and some soul-restoring sunshine - and here's Maisy:

Streetmog number: 137
Streetmog name: Maisy
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Sofa back
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Worldly wise
Other: I'd seen Maisy a couple of days before, along the pavement in front of me; having traveled almost the entire street, I caught her up but she went straight indoors (lucky mog) so I missed the photo op. This time, however, there she sat for all the passing world to see, proud atop her dedicated kitty paw print blanket and content to be inside, protected from the foul weather.

Monday, 18 March 2013

The moggles of Wimbledon Common are we

I was cranky crap tired this morning. And I thought that cycling in at 6:00 a.m. would wake me up and clear my head, but the biting wind, pot-holes and idiot inconsiderates in their 4 by 4's didn't do much to put me on an even keel. However, my luck changed as I found myself assigned to a favourite duty up at the wonderful and now very much cherished Wimbledon Common.

Even in the drizzle, or perhaps especially in the drizzle, the place is a beautiful, serene escape from the hustle and bustle of nearby suburbia. As well as the horses and golfers, I was privy to an actual Wimbledon Common tour, complete with local guide and tourists.

I was close by so eavesdropped and picked up some good historical knowledge on some of the gorgeous houses found up there. But I digress. There were two mogs on the radar today, one barely registering whilst the other was a showpiece show off:

Streetmog number: 135
Streetmog name: Puffin
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Back fences
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Antisocial timid toes
Other: It was a shame that Puffin was such a timid sort. Despite my very best attempts at enticing him over, he was one of the nerviest mogs I've met and was never going to make friends. In fact, he leaped over the fence as soon as I showed an interest. I did, however, spot him around the other side but he bolted once again. This rubbish photo doesn't show much, but this chap was of the pedigree variety. A long haired, handsome and most elegant mog.

Streetmog number: 136
Streetmog name: 
Actual name: Luna (thanks to collar tag)
Favourite Location: Wicker baskets
Preferred stroke: Upper back
Character: Frisky
Other: Luna took me quite by surprise when she appeared from behind the wicker baskets and of course I was delighted to meet such a gorgeous kitty. Those blue eyes were stunning and I loved her markings. She was very affectionate and had an endearing miaow but she couldn't keep still and soon sauntered off to explore her (very grand) driveway. This was an exclusive and beautiful cat in an exclusive and beautiful part of Wimbledon.

Oh, I'm having a bit of time off this week so there'll be no more streetmogs for a few days but they'll be back, mark my moggle words...

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Meet Moth & Milka

Streetmog number: 133
Streetmog name: Moth
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Warm windowsill
Preferred stroke: I wish
Character: Slothly
Other: Moth was a big pile of fluff with her fine grey mane and intense, dark face. The reflection in the window makes it tricky to see but she was semi-entwined with the net curtain which was cause for some amusement. She was an absolute beauty and I hope to spot her outside someday soon.

Streetmog number: 134
Streetmog name: Milka
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Pavement
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Timid
Other: Milka was in no mood to say hello. He was en route to somewhere far more comfortable than the damp pavement. Despite almost getting him to stop (he slowed and turned his head but thought better of it), he vanished into a garden before I could get any closer.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Lone Ginger

Has a week really passed since the last post and last mog? Sad times in cold climes; it's been ruddy awful out there at times this week and not in the least bit favourable to new streetmog discovery but today the sun was shining and, as usual, this coincided with the reappearance of our furry feline friends. I sense that spring is truly around the corner and that Monday's snow was the last of the season. Bring on the warmth, bring on the kitties!

Streetmog number: 132
Streetmog name: Honeycomb
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Between thorny rose bush canes
Preferred stroke: Back of neck
Character: Carefree
Other: Honeycomb was a sweetie. He trotted along the wall towards me with no hesitation, only delight at having someone to interact with. Once he had a jolly nice self-scratch using the fence and then rose bush, he presented himself for some serious fussing. He had a wonderfully strong purr and it was tough to say goodbye and plod on.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Soggy moggies

A drizzly, misty one in Wimbledon today which I thoroughly enjoyed. Having a van with a functioning radio to myself helped, as did a tube of Cadbury's Mini Eggs and the unexpected appearance of three more moggles:

Streetmog number: 129
Streetmog name: Oh Henry!
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Dedicated lazy chair
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Chilled
Other: Oh Henry! (he looks like a Henry and his colourings are similar to the very sweet & tasty American chocolate bar of the same name) lives in a block of flats, on the ground floor I'm glad to say (I'm very much of the belief that cats should be allowed to venture outdoors). With no cat-flap visible, I assume this was his happy place for the daylight hours, while owner is out. I couldn't get to him for a petting, but I'm sure he is as soft as he looks silky.

Streetmog number: 130
Streetmog name: Tubs
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Roaming his patch
Preferred stroke: Upper spine scrunch
Character: Wondering wanderer
Other: Tubs was pure cat class. I spotted him lurking behind the bushes and with some expert cat-calls I managed to convince him to pay me a visit. I loved how he casually ambled over towards me and then out through his gate. He was an adorable mog, getting on in years, and fond of the old kitty treats it seems.

Streetmog number: 131
Streetmog name: Elvis
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Porch
Preferred stroke: All of it
Character: Proud
Other: Oh man, I never expected to meet such an adorable mog in this location, in the rain, at the end of a long day. For the observant ones among you, yes that's a different van to the one above; it was the second trip of the day and again Amazon was to blame. Anyway, I saw Elvis under my van before he walked over to the porch, where I caught up with him. He was fairly indifferent, almost disdainful, but looking as fabulous as he did, that's fair enough. He was happy to be fussed over and, as I'd worked hard and was nearly done for the day, I enjoyed a nice couple of cat minutes.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Mog amalgam

A couple of days of postie toil in van and on foot has produced an aching back but a decent haul of mogs so I mustn't grumble. Without further ado, here are four more new brand new kitties for one's viewing and reading pleasure. I know that some look remarkably similar to previous pusses from previous posts, but I can assure you they're each and every one furry and new.

Streetmog number: 125
Streetmog name: Jacob
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Pavement
Preferred stroke: Back stroke
Character: Outgoing
Other: Jacob - he looked wolfish, like that one from Twilight (when he's a wolf), although the photos don't really do his lupine features justice - sauntered down his drive with an air of confidence. He didn't stop for long, but long enough for me to show him a little bit of love. He didn't reciprocate (much like Bella), as he was more concerned with strutting and sitting in in the wonderful sunshine.

Jacob knew he was gorgeous

Streetmog number: 126
Streetmog name: Don Bigote
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Car roof
Preferred stroke: Chin tickle
Character: Imperious
Other: Don Bigote was a hoot. He saw me coming (I must look like a right royal (mail) prat when approaching these mogs) and was clearly wary of my intentions. The photo does not lie; his startled face ("Who are you and what are you doing? Do not come any closer.") made me grin. However, once he realised I meant him no harm, he was receptive to some good old fashioned fussing. There was another cat (a precious Persian) underneath the very same car, but she was not willing to show herself. Maybe another day.

Step away from the mog

Streetmog number: 127
Streetmog name: Groucho
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Wary
Other: Groucho was spotted from behind a fence so I couldn't get close even if I wanted to. He was just about ready to run off as I leaned over the fence to take my shot but, when he was satisfied that I would bother him no more, he relaxed.

Groucho eyes up postie
Groucho goes back to sleep
Streetmog number: 128 
Streetmog name: Jeeves 
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Grass
Preferred stroke: Tummy tickle
Character: Grandstander
Other: Jeeves is a perfect mog with which to end the post. He was an absolute gem. The photos tell the story, so I shan't waffle on for waffling's sake but bless his little cotton socks. Oh btw, Jeeves was spotted in the adjacent garden to Charles' - there are some mighty fine felines in these parts.

Monday, 4 March 2013

A tail of two gingies

So there I was, enjoying the sun but actually in a bit of a funk due to an excessive workload when a delightful ginger appeared. I was pretty sure I'd met this fellow before (and indeed I had - No. 105, Xavier). Looking back at the relevant post it was definitely the same mog, as he was displaying the habitual behaviour of never quite stopping long enough to allow me a hello. 

Xavier remains aloof

Anyway, I lost sight of him until a few moments later when there he was again. Or was he? No, it was another ginger, almost identical, yet definitely a different one. Two ginges! But how could I be sure? Well, Xavier was sat under a car, spying on his neighbour, or relation.

Xavier keeps tabs on Cheddar Gorg

Ah, cat politics and frolics on a sunny March afternoon. There's no doubting the fact that when the sun comes out, the cats follow. That's a good thing. The sun is a good thing. It makes people happy; it makes mogs happy; it makes posties happy. 

Streetmog number: 123
Streetmog name: Cheddar Gorg
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Front path
Preferred stroke: Neck scrunch
Character: Sop-bag
Other: Despite the attentions of the nearby Xavier, Cheddar G was at complete and casual ease. He sauntered down the path to greet me and was very receptive of some good fussing. He was a real softie, both in terms of body fluff and character.

Streetmog number: 124
Streetmog name: Patches
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke: Back rub
Character: Sociable
Other: It's not just about the gingers today. Patches was spotted on the adjacent street and was nestled contentedly on the window sill as I approached. Her miaowed hello was the sweetest thing and she was happy to abandon her comfy ledge to come down for a stretch and a little play.