I can't believe I've not used that title before, but then I'm pretty sure there's not been such a mog-productive day. What a haul! Seven stupendous streetmogs have added their name and number to the cat-counter and we now have 111 moggles to oggle over. I'm regularly asked if the cats are repeats and I can confidently say no, they're all unique. I cross-check my mog files before I go public with a new post. Due to my part-time/reserve postie status, I work all over the SW19 area, so I'm lucky enough to get varied walks/drives/duties throughout the week. Whether I'm in Wimbledon Park, Southfields, Colliers Wood or the wondrous Wimbledon Common, you can guarantee that I'll be meeting the mogs, and shall continue to do so!
Streetmog number: 105
Streetmog name: Xavier
Actual name:
Location: Pavement
Preferred stroke: Never got close enough
Character: Cheeky monkey mog
Other: Xavier led me on a merry chase, at a time when I was really too busy to be following cats. He appeared from a garden path but as I approached he trotted away down the street, and this continued for quite a few houses until I gave up, although I still managed to grab a pic or two. Perhaps he was trying to lead me to his own house. He was a cheeky kit, anyway.
Streetmog number: 106
Streetmog name: Toblerone
Actual name:
Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Unimpressed
Other: Toblerone was not happy to be disturbed, even though I was only there for a matter of seconds. As I got closer to grab a snap, he made a move to abandon his warm viewing point, so I backed off quickly; I never want to upset our lovely mogs!

Streetmog number: (82)
Streetmog name: Scrat Mask
Actual name:
Location: Paving stones
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Oblivious
Other: Scrat brought a huge Cheshire grin to my face, as he sat there motionless in the wind, asleep. He made for a funny yet adorable spectacle; the wind was whipping his fur up yet he seemed unfazed. He did actually open one eye when I took my photo, but he didn't seem bothered in the least and soon went back to the land of nod and dreams of fresh fish, warm radiators and mouses.
Despite my insistence of there being no repeats, I've noticed that I have indeed spotted and documented Scrat before! He is Streetmog number 82, Mask, looking rather different, but it's definitely him. I still keep a track of the street location so it's easy to cross-check possible doubles. Nice try, Mask.
Streetmog number: 107
Streetmog name: Duffle
Actual name:
Location: Window will
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Lordly
Other: Duffle appeared rather lordly, although I am going to hazard a guess that she's a lady. She was basking in the (behind glass and therefore accentuated) warmth of the winter sun, and seemed blissfully content. The photo is pretty dire, but she hadn't helped by making a mess of the window pane with her paws...!
Streetmog number: 108
Streetmog name: Pesto II
Actual name:
Location: Door mat
Preferred stroke: Under head scrunch (see pic!)
Character: Playful puss
Other: Pesto II (named after one of my previous cats, due to its similarities) was a bundle of fun. She showed an avid interest in my bundle of letters that I'd put down and proceeded to attack a bill. Nice move, Pesto II. The wind was blowing everything around at this point and we all know that the wind makes mogs mental! She was also up for some fussing and then did some stretches (show off) on the mat. A really lovely, affectionate, sweet little thing.
Streetmog number: 109
Streetmog name: Butternut II
Actual name:
Location: Sun strewn drive
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Nervy
Other: Butternut II has also been named due to the similarities with another of my (current) cats. In fact, he looks very alike. Unlike my very own soppy and overtly friendly
Butternut, this chap was rather shy and wouldn't let me get any closer than this. I was okay with that, though, as it had been a long day, there was still much work to be done and I was already happy with my haul of streetmogs.
Streetmog number: 110
Streetmog name: Mrs Marmite
Actual name:
Favourite Location: Window sill
Preferred stroke: n/a
Character: Indifferent
Other: In my humble opinion, the most beautiful mog has been saved until last. Mrs Marmite (I have been told that tortoise shells are usually female) was also sat in a window, sun-spoiling herself rotten. She was totally unimpressed with my approach and gave off an air of haughtiness and indifference, but with a face like that, who's to blame her?